Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
Quantum University
social sciences
Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi
Distance education department
Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya
U.G.C Malviye mission teacher training center, Doctor Harisinghgaur Vishwavidyalaya, Sagar, M.P
Ramanujan College, University of Delhi
Hindustan College of Art and Science, Coimbatore
U.G.C Malviye mission teacher training center, Doctor Harisinghgaur Vishwavidyalaya, Sagar, M.P
Ramanujan College, University of Delhi
Hindustan College of Art and Science, Coimbatore
Ramanujan College
Indian Council of Social Science and Research, New Delhi
Girls Hostel Warden
Girls Hostel Warden